How to clean the joints between floor tiles: A practical guide

Tiles are a great aesthetic element in our homes. But over time, dirt and grime can start to accumulate in the cracks, which can change the appearance of the entire room. Clean crevices give the impression of a well-maintained space, and luckily, cleaning them is not a difficult task.


First step: Preparation

As a first step, it is important to thoroughly clean the tiles themselves. Use the appropriate cleaner according to the type of tiles in your home. For ceramic tiles, it is advisable to use a universal cleaner, while for natural stone, a milder agent is recommended to avoid damaging the surface.


Choosing the right tools

It is important to have the right tools to clean the cracks. A small brush, a toothbrush or a special crevice brush can make the job easier. Additionally, you can also use an old toothbrush to remove larger dirt.


Home remedies for cleaning

If you prefer natural methods, there are several home remedies you can try. Mix one part vinegar with one part water and apply this mixture to the cracks. Wait a few minutes and then use a brush to clean them. The vinegar solution not only removes dirt, but also has antibacterial properties.


Professional joint cleaners

If the joints are very dirty and home methods do not help, you can try professional cleaners designed specifically for the joints between tiles. These products are often formulated to effectively remove dirt and mold.


Prevention and maintenance

In order to prevent further accumulation of dirt in the crevices, it is important to carry out regular maintenance. After washing the floor, make sure to dry the joints well. Water that remains in the cracks can create an ideal environment for mold to grow.



Clean joints between tiles are not only an aesthetic element, but also a health one. Dirt and mold can be a risk for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. With the right tools and regular maintenance, you can keep your home in beautiful condition.


So, good luck with the cleaning, and may your floors always be shiny and crevices free of any traces of dirt!